Thursday, March 29, 2007

Eating Through The Pain

Today was an odd day. I was up until almost 5am. I was having a lot of pain in my intestines. ::Wrinkles nose:: I know. Not a pleasant subject but its got a point. As a result, I stayed home from work today. I slept until almost Noon and awoke with a headache. Before I knew it, it was going on 2pm and I hadn't eaten anything. I grabbed some cheese cubes and some Hormel Turkey Peperoni. Had a Weight Watchers Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Bar and went about the remainder of my day just kind of laying low. R. called on his way home from work to see how I was feeling. I was still kinda low so he said he would pick up dinner... from McDonald's. ::smacks self in face:: OK... so, I got out my Dining Out Guide and looked up the points. I still had like 28 or 29 points left for the day. I got a Big Mac, an Apple and Walnut Salad and a baked Apple Pie. That totaled 25 points. (I didn't eat the nuts in the Apple Walnut Salad and a lot of the fat in it comes from the walnuts.) I have 3 points left for the day. I'm probably going to eat a ton of grapes tonight to use them up.

The question I have is, "How bad is it to use up the majority of my points with a Big Mac and an Apple Pie from McDonald's?" I'm still within my points total for the day but ... Guh... that stuff is BAD for you.


Anonymous said...

Can I make a suggestion? If that were me, I would have either cut out the Apple Pie or just ate the Big Mac and lose the bun. Less carbs, more protein and veggies that way. Just something to think about for the next time.

Anonymous said...

Not bad on occassion, but not as a daily thing. Esp on WW, you need to follow the 8HG's. Let's chat soon, tomorrow is my officially re-commitance (is that even a word?). Hugs hon :)

Butrfly Garden said...

Yes, I agree that on occassion, it's not going to hurt too much.

I do SparkPeople and the thing the push is eating Power foods or foods of great value. As in, you'll get more good stuff from it than bad. (100 calories from a banana will do much more for your body than 100 calories from a "pack", you know?)

But another thing they emphasize is bending your own rules once in a great while, just trying to be responisble about it. Which it sounds like you are.

Kellyology said...

On occasion it's OK, but really WW is about good nutrition not just points. I did WW for forever, and I think lots of people forget about that part. With that said, however, I think it's important to have a day off every week. Don't go insane but have perhaps a Big Mac? Mmmmmmm....Big Mac. Sounds good to me!

OhTheJoys said...

That is SO not what I could eat on an upset tummy. You are tummy of STEEL!

Anonymous said...

I say go for it. but then, I'm not that into nutrition - just the points. haha. I think that's the beauty of it. You can eat the "bad" stuff and still stay "on track." No guilt. :)

NotAMeanGirl said...

Heh. My goal that day was just to get the frakkin' points in. It didn't matter HOW I just needed to get em. I felt guilty as all get out after though. Heh