Sunday, November 11, 2007

Project Hope: A Way To Make A Difference

I had this great plan for Project Hope. I was going to post once a week about someone or something that inspired me to make a difference in our world... even if it was in a small way. I fail. I've been so involved in trying to work The Plan I have for weight loss and health that I haven't done it.

However, Liv over at Madness, Madness I Say has an INCREDIBLE idea/campaign going to bring our boys overseas some Holiday Cheer. Please to check it out and get involved. No matter your views on the war and whether or not we should be there those boys deserve a great holiday season.

Tomorrow: An update on the weight loss drama that is my life.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Liv's post. That's a great idea!

Liv said...

Thanks for linking me up! I am just hoping to make this tour as happy and hopeful as possible for the guys in the desert. xoxo