Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Hey everyone! Today I launch my Project Hope. I put forth a challenge to everyone to find a way to make the world better. Some small thing you can do to improve the world for ourselves and our kids.

I know I was supposed to announce this yesterday but some things happened and I was unable to post. My Project Hope is going to consist of the following:

Every 6 months I am going to find books we've read. Clothes we no longer wear. Toys that are no longer played with and donate them to a local battered wives/children safe house.


Every Weds here on Mean Girls Need Not Apply I am going to post about something I found that makes me hopeful or something that is trying to make the world a better place. Organizations, other projects, acts of heroism, whatever I can find to help place the emphasis on Hope and on Looking Forward to a better future. If you want to nominate an organization to be highlighted or a person who's efforts you want to crow about just send me an email to and let me know about it!

The first Project Hope post will be next Weds. Keep an eye out!

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